«La première soirée, j’ai fait 10,000 piasses. A autobus d’Américains is completed. J’ai fait 35 clients dans ma soirée.»

The plaque tournante With Alice’s proposals, which Bianca and Sedna discussed, the complexity of the crimes is seen as a personal characteristic.

Viveka Melki's Reality is a tour that deals with the human quality in Canada.

Il s’agit du troisième film by Viveka Melki on the subject. Après Traded votes etc Butterfly: In the maze of human traffickingdiffusé au printemps 2025, it focuses on Québec and its regions.

«If you are in conversation and shout if you want to change, lance Viveka Melki, who is making a film about the characteristic of the people of Canada. The story is great that you made a complete series.»

Reality is a film that is choc for the «réveiller du monde». Elle Braque uses the camera over the regions of the province and the Grand Nord parce which is «ça se passe partout», this.

‘It’s hallucinating, you can’t do anything else. If you are in Montréal, your vois partout. À la Formula 1, right now. Being connected to Montreal will allow you to visit more major cities and towns.»

The police Josée Mensales and Romy Verge-Boudreau de l'Escouade are integrated into the proxenétism of Québec security

The young French-speaking women speak in English two or three times when they go to the outside of Québec, in Ottawa. A segment next to the peculiarities of the Ottawa-Gatineau frontal region.

“It is a matter of a vulnerable person who is near the eux, where Viveka is called Melki. It is not possible to have sex. Consider au-delà de ça.»

Viveka Melki was born in Dakar, in Senegal, a family racer in Liban and in Bresil, and an été éduquée in Royaume-Uni avant d’immigrer in Canada. As immigrants, they confirm that the culture that brings sexuality in Québec is different types of ailleurs. In his documentary commentary, sociologist Jean-Philippe Warren discusses the change in sexuality brought about by the Quiet Revolution.

The reality is that you have used the camera on the regions of the province and on the Grand Nord parce that

«The multigenerational traumas result in shocks. On n’est pas conscientes des impacts. It doesn’t start here, it’s a fact of the siècles. On a voix and an error in usage.»

In the production of Melki Films, it is certain that the best quality, camera and camera are shown, like Viveka Melki. The play is a matter of people and that is “very difficult”, a therapy that offers an offer to the world that participates in the content of the documentary.

«It is not easy to tell history. You know society isn’t that good. There are no questions asked and we see misogyny and no colères at a 17 year old filling in a dance bar in Montreal. Is this something? On fait ça et on trouve ça acceptable.»

Viveka Melki, creator


The plaque tournante When you receive the prison sentence you received, you can especially appreciate the urgency of the price of conscience and collective action. While the extreme violence is present in this film, Viveka Melki offers beautiful promise, light and humanity.

«C’est a crime de l’ombre, mais nous, op est là pour de la luminière. I think people are going to stop seeing the film with two central pensées. The fact is that we are all vulnerable and we have an advantage. Secondly, it is a matter of thinking that it is no longer possible.”

Viveka Melki has faith in a society that is concerned with preventing and sensitizing the youth to investigate traffic flows. While the victims approach the social consequences that are in the lieux public, the police of the Escouade resist the proxenétism of the security of Québec, in the documentary.

“There is no sexual intercourse, desires and emotions in the eco lesson for a conversation about traffic. If you don’t talk to each other, the children should always talk to each other. You are already in a class of 13 years and you ask for a déjà écouté of porn and the monde is a level higher. The premiere question asked is what is love? On the honest level of prevention.”

The plaque tournante sera diffusé le jeudi 5 décembre sur ICI Télé, at 9 h.

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